Mrs. Bauer' Kindergarten class
When in this website there where many aspects that were interesting to me as teacher and a parents. The website included the classroom rules, photos of the different things happening in the classroom, the important subjects and goals that the teacher has for the students.
The classroom was set up in a way allowed the students to
move freely within the room. There are
six children to a table and it was not crowed at all. There was plenty room for the students
personal space. The room was neat and
clean and well kept. Overall this was
website was very helpful. The website had
different activities that the teacher felt was important for the parents to
know about as well.
Mrs. Keenan's Kindergarten Class
I would have to say this was an excellent website. Within the website she incorporated classroom behavior and a responsive classroom. Her website included the key responsive classroom practices and here they are as she has them listed
Key Responsive Classroom practices include the following:
* Morning
Meeting: A daily routine that builds
community, creates a positive climate for learning, and reinforces academic and
social skills.
* Rules and Logical
Consequences: A clear and consistent
approach to discipline that fosters responsibility and self-control.
* Guided
Discovery: A format for introducing
materials that encourages inquiry, heightens interest, and teaches care of the
school environment.
* Academic
Choice: An approach to giving children
choices in their learning that helps them become invested, self-motivated
* Classroom
Organization: Strategies for arranging
materials, furniture, and displays to encourage independence, promote caring,
and maximize learning.
* Working with
Families: Ideas for involving families
as true partners in their children's education
There is also a video to watch that explains the a responsive classroom.
This classroom website was very good as well. The room was very inviting for children and was colorful. Everything in the room was labeled and had a well defined space. Everything was child friendly and easy to access to the children. There where plenty materials in all the learning areas I am sure this cuts down on fighting over toys and materials. Overall the classroom set up was very nice and engaging for the students who attend this school.
http://www.thepreschool.orgThis website was also very informative when it comes to classroom management. The preschool has strict standards when it comes to classroom management and class size. The class size ranges between 10-16 children in the class. Each class is required to have two teachers. Having small classroom sizes helps with managing behavior when it comes to the learning environment.